Friday, November 14, 2008

Taking Back Sunday!

So it started off like this...
We went to the Nokia Club to set up the dressing room for TBS, and decided to make a self portrait... just for the record. You know, so people could see that I was in their dressing room, haha.

Met them in the afternoon, and just kinda hung out and took a few snapshots of them wearing the designer clothes that Christina and Vanessa had for them...

Vanessa was able to get me a press pass, along with a working pass. I had sooooo much access! I was running in and out of the theater the whole time. Loved it!

Made sure to get a good spot for the opening song "Liar" and took some shots... I was standing
righhhtt by the stage :)

I went to the balcony and made more pictures....
I took over a thousand live shots, so if you wanna check them out, we need to hang out. :)

This was taken at the VIP after party. Matt and a lady friend he was with the whole time...

This is me after the show... I was awake for about 22 hours. Vanessa and I were exhausted, but it was definitely a blast.

I loved meeting Taking Back Sunday. They were sooooooo nice and I fell in love with Matt, their new guitarist who is replacing Fred. I said hello to them for El Paso, and wished them good luck on Dec. 5, which is when they will be playing at Club 101.
Anyway, as I said, I have wayyyy more shots... I am down to share them, just hit me up! :D


cyn said...

i would love to see more of your shots. i get to see them 12/12 in louisville, and it's my first club show. the first time i saw them was at proj rev in '07, so i'm very excited about this. your pics are fantastic and it's great you had such a wonderful time. fazzi seems to be so loveable - i've only heard amazing things about him. my email is if you'd like to reach me. thanks! (sorry if you get this several times, i keep getting error messages)

Anonymous said...

your shots are sweet. you've got a magic shutter finger. (especially those close up shots of Adam)
they all look so happy.
i would love to see more, my email is =]